The Kushae Health Blog

Health & Wellness Tips For A Healthy & Happy Kushae!

why pH balance really does matter for vaginal odor

Why Vaginal pH Balance Really Does Matter for Vaginal Odor, Feminine Health, & more!

Vaginal Odor, BV, and yeast infections are all affected by the pH of your most intimate areas. So why hasn't anyone explained this whole pH thing in the first place? 
Maintain Bikini Wax And Void Vaginal Dryness

Top 3 Tips To Maintain Your Bikini Wax And Avoid Vaginal Dryness

So you decided to leave Team Trim and join Team Bald…good for you! You’re as smooth as a baby’s bottom (but in the front, right, got it). But by now, you may have heard that 85% of women...
Why glycerin is dangerous in feminine wash and vaginal wash products

3 Reasons why Glycerin can be Dangerous in Feminine Wash products

NO MORE GLYCERIN! (for use in feminine hygiene products, that is!). Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soap making process. It is used widely in soaps, cosmetics, and personal care products largely because of its properties to...

beware of toxic ingredients in feminine wash and vaginal wash products

Beware of toxic ingredients hiding in your personal care and feminine wash products!

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ you have? Did you also know that we absorb up to 60% of what we put ON our skin INTO our bloodstream? Sadly, many of us don't even know what's in the soaps and lotions...