Do women need a vaginal wash? That is, do we need to buy a wash that is made especially for our vagina? Can’t regular body wash do the trick? We sat down with Dr. Barb, Board Certified OB/GYN, and co-founder of Kushae, and got the 5 Top Tips for choosing the best feminine wash, and what to avoid when choosing the best wash for your vagina! 

1. Look for a natural intimate wash that is pH balanced. Why? A woman's vaginal pH is acidic between 3.8-4.5 on the pH scale. NEVER use soap down there. The pH of soap is at least 8 or more! That's way too Alkaline for your "kushae"!

2. Select a good feminine wash that is made of natural or plant-based ingredients. DON"T settle for finding the words "Natural" on the front of the bottle. Literally turn the bottle around and read the ingredients. If you find words you don't recognize or can't pronounce, chances are they are chemicals and that wash is not a good choice!

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3. The best vaginal wash will contain no chemical, artificial, or synthetic ingredients. Be sure to read the ingredients of the feminine wash that you use. If you can’t pronounce the words, they are probably chemical ingredients that you should not be using on your vagina or even your body for that matter.

4. The best feminine wash will not contain any fragrances, as fragrances can often lead to irritation "down there"!

5. Lastly, avoid a vaginal wash that contains glycerin. NO Glycerin! Glycerin is oftentimes added to vaginal washes to act as a moisturizing agent, BUT, it is a sugar based ingredient which can feed yeast. If you are potentially feeding the yeast, it may cause an overgrowth of yeast, which could lead to recurrent yeast infections. Choose a glycerin-free feminine wash!

Recommended Product: KushaeGentle 2n1 Foaming Wash
Also Read: How to Get Rid of Sweaty Vaginal Odor / Feminine Odor

July 14, 2020

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.