The Kushae Health Blog

Health & Wellness Tips For A Healthy & Happy Kushae!

How to Relieve Yeast Infections and Vaginal Itching Now!

How to Relieve Yeast Infections and Vaginal Itching Now!

Tight jeans, sitting in wetness for too long, pH imbalance, intimacy...these are the most frequent "offenders" when it comes to what causes a yeast infection. Below, we'll share what you MUST know about yeast infections and tips on how to relieve yeast infections and the vaginal itching that comes with it!
Kushae boric acid suppository for BV

How to stop vaginal odor from BV

Bacterial Vaginosis or BV is one type of vaginal inflammation which is common amongst women of any age but it is most likely to affect those in their reproductive years. Now, Kushae has developed an all natural way to kick BV to the curb for good! 
why pH balance really does matter for vaginal odor

Why Vaginal pH Balance Really Does Matter for Vaginal Odor, Feminine Health, & more!

Vaginal Odor, BV, and yeast infections are all affected by the pH of your most intimate areas. So why hasn't anyone explained this whole pH thing in the first place?