The Kushae Health Blog

Health & Wellness Tips For A Healthy & Happy Kushae!

Yeast Infections and Your Sex Life

Yeast Infections and Your Sex Life

While yeast infections are not sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual partners can pass them through penetrative and oral sex. To minimize the risk of vaginal yeast infections during penetrative sex, use condoms or other barrier methods to prevent passing on the infection. Additionally, some hygiene practices can prevent yeast infections, such as peeing and washing the vaginal area after sex.

Everything You Need To Know About STI's

Everything You Need To Know About STI's

STIs are not an end to all; with medical help, you can manage your symptoms and combat the infection altogether. Here are some answers to the most common answers concerning sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

Your Top Period Sex Questions Answered

Your Top Period Sex Questions Answered

Period sex is when one engages in sexual activity, such as vaginal sex, during one’s menstrual period. During menstruation, some may feel more aroused and want to explore sexual activity during their cycle. Many people who engage in sexual activity during menstruation report it as more pleasurable due to heightened sensitivity. 
7 Tips To Better Sex

7 Tips To Better Sex

Change can be a bit challenging with couples that have been together for a long time because as couples spend more time together, they tend to form routines. Stretch out your boundaries in the bedroom and start exploring with foreplay to increase intimacy.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: What You Need to Know

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: What You Need to Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a serious health condition affecting many women, leaving 1 in 8 women with a history of PID being infertile. Pelvic inflammatory disease can have a devastating impact if left untreated.
Vaginitis: What is it? What causes it? How is it treated?

Vaginitis: What is it? What causes it? How is it treated?

Vaginitis covers many different disorders that cause inflammation in the vaginal area. These conditions can lead to changes in discharge, pain, and itchiness. Vaginitis is often caused by infections from yeast or virus, and imbalances in vaginal bacteria. 
What you need to know about the Early Signs of HIV

What you need to know about the Early Signs of HIV

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a sexually transmitted infection that weakens the immune system, making it easier for you to get sick. There is no cure for HIV yet, but there are many treatment options that can help you stay healthy and lower your chance of spreading the virus.
Booty Survival Guide: How to prepare for anal sex

Booty Survival Guide: How to prepare for anal sex

Anal sex requires extra care due to the thin walls of the anus, lack of natural lubrication, and the presence of sphincter muscles that instinctively contract when touched. Therefore, to engage in anal sex comfortably and safely, it is essential to follow certain guidelines. 
6 Reasons Why Your Vagina Smells After Sex And What To Do About It

6 Reasons Why Your Vagina Smells After Sex And What To Do About It

After having sex, it is normal for your vagina to have a different scent than usual. This is because during sex, natural vaginal fluids mix with semen, sweat, and bacteria from your partner’s genitalia, which can create a new odor. However, if the smell is particularly strong or unpleasant, it may be a sign of an underlying issue. Here are 3-5 reasons why your vagina may smell after sex and what you can do about it.

How To Boost Your Libido Naturally

How To Boost Your Libido Naturally

Libido, aka sex drive, varies between people and is normal to change over your lifetime. Low sexual drive can occur at any age and life stage, and there are many ways to alleviate that. Many effective natural methods can boost libido and increase sexual satisfaction, including natural aphrodisiacs, stress management, herbal supplements, stress-relief practices, lifestyle and diet changes, and more.
5 Ways to deepen your sexual intimacy with your partner

5 Ways to deepen your sexual intimacy with your partner

Sexual intimacy may lessen over time and can be detrimental to romantic relationships. You may feel unappreciated, unloved, and resentful due to a lack of intimacy. If you are wondering how to enhance and deepen sexual intimacy with your partner, we have composed five ways for you to do so.
7 Aphrodisiac Foods For Better Sex

7 Aphrodisiac Foods For Better Sex

The 7 aphrodisiacs mentioned have evidence to indicate they can increase sexual desire due to their effects on your mind. But it does not help to have some faith it will work! So ladies and gentlemen, look in your kitchen; you may already have these items.