The Kushae Health Blog

Health & Wellness Tips For A Healthy & Happy Kushae!

5 Ways to deepen your sexual intimacy with your partner

5 Ways to deepen your sexual intimacy with your partner

Sexual intimacy may lessen over time and can be detrimental to romantic relationships. You may feel unappreciated, unloved, and resentful due to a lack of intimacy. If you are wondering how to enhance and deepen sexual intimacy with your partner, we have composed five ways for you to do so.
7 Aphrodisiac Foods For Better Sex

7 Aphrodisiac Foods For Better Sex

The 7 aphrodisiacs mentioned have evidence to indicate they can increase sexual desire due to their effects on your mind. But it does not help to have some faith it will work! So ladies and gentlemen, look in your kitchen; you may already have these items.
The Kushae Valentine's day gift guide for every woman in your life

The Kushae Valentine's day gift guide for every woman in your life

There is nothing wrong with flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s Day if that is what you really want, but for those of us who want gifts that make us feel truly loved and cherished, Kushae is the ultimate season-of-love gift —for you, for them, and yes, for us, too.
What No One Tells You About The Toxic Ingredients In Your Feminine Hygiene Products

What No One Tells You About The Toxic Ingredients In Your Feminine Hygiene Products

While reading this blog, you may be in disbelief about the toxic ingredients in your feminine hygiene products. Unfortunately, many of us are unaware of the dangerous chemicals in products that are supposed to keep down there healthy and clean.
The Top 5 Issues A Vulva Routine Can Help You Solve Down There

The Top 5 Issues A Vulva Routine Can Help You Solve Down There

Do I really need a skincare or feminine hygiene routine for down there? The short answer is yes! But it's a bit more complex than that. Before we dive into why you need a skincare and feminine hygiene routine for down there, it is crucial to note that when we say vulva, we are talking about the exterior bits of your nether regions, not the vaginal canal.

The Ultimate At-Home Vajacial Routine For New Moms

The Ultimate At-Home Vajacial Routine For New Moms

As a new mom, you might want to stay in the house and not have time to spare. Kushae is there to help you out, mama! Kushae prides itself in providing feminine care products that help maintain and restore healthy pH balances. We also want to deliver products that help your vulva and vagina stay at their healthiest. With the right products, you can give yourself a vajacial in the comfort of your home.
The Three Most Common BV Symptoms In Women (The Third Might Surprise You)

The Three Most Common BV Symptoms In Women (The Third Might Surprise You)

Researchers are still determining the cause of bacterial vaginosis. However, we know that bacterial vaginosis occurs when the unhealthy bacteria grows too much and is often caused by the most common type of bacteria in the vagina, Gardnerella vaginalis. BV can affect women of any age, but it most likely occurs during the reproductive years and affects those between 14 and 44 years old.
Love Thick Thighs But Hate The Thigh Rub? You Need This!

Love Thick Thighs But Hate The Thigh Rub? You Need This!

It’s not your fault that your thighs rub together and get red and sensitive. Nor is it your fault that a hot day can make you sweat a little too much under your boobs, giving you major heat rash and a lot of pain.

How To Take Care Of Your Vulva and Vagina in 2023

How To Take Care Of Your Vulva and Vagina in 2023

The vulva is sensitive, and just like our faces, skin, and bodies, it needs its own feminine hygiene routine to thrive and stay healthy. Developing a feminine hygiene routine for our vulvas can also help us avoid vulvovaginal irritation and certain vaginal infections such as BV and yeast infections.
No More Toxic Friends, No More Toxic Relationships, & No More Toxic Personal Hygiene Products In 2023

No More Toxic Friends, No More Toxic Relationships, & No More Toxic Personal Hygiene Products In 2023

This new year, make sure to 'take care of your vulva like you take care of your skin,' which means paying close attention to the feminine hygiene products - pads, tampons, douches, wipes, powders, and deodorizers - you use and their ingredients.
Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onions?

Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onions?

Each woman has her unique vaginal smell, and that odor can change throughout the month. Unusual smells like a vaginal onion odor can be caused by several factors. With quick changes to your lifestyle, they will go away, and your typical scent will return. 
Why Am I Dry Down There All Of A Sudden?

Why Am I Dry Down There All Of A Sudden?

Vaginal dryness is a common issue that many women have at some point in their lives. It can be caused by several things and is often temporary. Vaginal dryness does not become a concern until it is persistent. Many contributing factors lead to vaginal dryness as a side effect, so there is much to consider before pointing out the exact cause.